From forest tracks and stony paths, this circuit wends its way through the heights above the Pont de l’Arn where the gentle slopes of the plateau are slashed with steep valleys. The importance of water is everywhere apparent, and has been put to good use. Rain and fog have encouraged the growth of the tall trees that contribute so much to the scenery. Douglas firs, more than 30 metres tall, line the horizon of the plateau. Despite the importance of forestry, raising animal livestock is also still a significant activity in this area: vast pastures flourish in the rainy climate and have been an important source of revenue for beautiful 19th century farms such as Artigues. There are also hydro-electric plants which exploit the energy produced by the strong waters of the Bouyssou and Arn Rivers. Flowing steeply downhill, these rivers have made deep indents in the hard rock plateau. The Banquet gorges, hollowed out by the River Arn in this granitic area, is one of the natural curiosities of the region, both for its rugged landscape as for its varied flora.

13 km of distance 3 hours and 45 minutes of duration 640 meters of altitude 240 meters of positive height difference 240 meters of height difference Route type BOUCLE
Tariffs & Means of payment
Free access.
Equipment & Services
✓ Pets welcome
Adapted Tourism
✓ Not accessible in a wheelchair