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House of Wood and Toy

Moulin de l'Oule - MazametPaid access

Located at the foot of the village of Hautpoul, the House of Wood and Toy welcomes you for a playful presentation, an initiatory journey into the world of wood. Discover more than 2000 games and toys from all over the world from wood yesterday to today.

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On more than 1500m², come and learn and (re) discover the essence of wood, starting from the tree until its use in for the creation of toys.

Contemplate an exhibition of doll houses composed of 31 houses from different eras, Tudor, Georgian, American ...At the end of the visit, in a large playroom, young and old find the pleasure of playing with the family.


More than 40 games are at your disposal (billiards, game of the barrel ...). A space is reserved for toddlers.

You will find in the shop space a large selection of objects, games and toys from the production of more than 20 artisans who present their know-how. And outside, an arboretum (50 species of the Black Mountain), a picnic area and a playful course (wood of fairy tales and wood of the fables of La Fontaine) await you.


Tariffs & Means of payment

From 01/01 to 31/05/2018 Adult: 5 to 6 € Child (4-14 years): 3.50 to 4 €. From 01/06 to 30/06/2018 Adult: 5 to 6 € Child (4-14 years): 3.50 to 4 €. From 01/07 to 31/08/2018 Adult: 5 to 6 € Child (4-14 years): 3.50 to 4 €. From 01/09 to 30/09/2018 Adult: 5 to 6 € Child (4-14 years): 3.50 to 4 €. From 01/10 to 31/12/2018 Adult: 5 to 6 € Child (4-14 years): 3.50 to 4 €. Free entry for children < 4 years. ✓ Bank/credit card ✓ Cash


Equipment & Services

✓ Play area ✓ Picnic area ✓ Toilets ✓ Car park ✓ Private parking ✓ Motorhomes allowed ✓ Shop ✓ Tourist brochures ✓ Tourist information